Mors tua vita mea

Mons. Carlo Maria Viganò


to the essay edited by Prof. Massimo Viglione,
“Mors tua vita mea”

Mors tua vita mea.

Il fine non giustifica i mezzi.

Sulla illiceità morale dei vaccini che utilizzano linee cellulari di feti vittime di aborto


Massimo Viglione (a cura di)
Carlo Maria Viganò (Prefazione)

In vendita online: link

Aures habent, et non audient.

Ps 113


The barbarism in which our society finds itself is now evident: its values have been gradually erased as hateful vestiges of an extinct world, to the advantage of the delusions of globalist ideology, which shows itself to be ever more anti-human, anti-religious, and antichristic. The most antithetical principle of this infernal barbarism with respect to Christian civilization is infanticide, the human sacrifice of innocent victims offered to Satan; and despite the horror of seeing it brazenly admitted, we cannot be surprised if abortion is proposed by the Satanists as a true and proper religious rite, to which protection must be given in the name of freedom of worship. The ancient pagan rituals – omnes dii gentium demonia, says the Psalm – live again today in the sacrificial offering that unfortunate mothers believe can be claimed as a right.

If the firstborn of Israel belong to the Lord, the simia Dei demands much more of the firstborn and even claims them through the pharmaceutical companies that use fetal tissue from abortions to manufacture a so-called vaccine that is presented in the delirium of Covid-19 as a sacrament of salvation by which one is incorporated into the “mystical body” of Satan, the globalist anti-church. On the other hand, the “liturgical” connotation of the pandemic intentionally echoes signs and symbols proper to the True Religion in such a way as to deceive even the simple and push them to conform to a collective cult that exempts them from making decisions independently and binds them to an uncritical obedience. We cannot forget the funeral processions of military trucks, the contradictory and intolerant attitude of the Covid priests, the health magisterium of the “experts,” the inquisition against the denier “heretics,” and the fideistic adherence to the most grotesque superstitions passed off as science by virologist sorcerers and television vestals.

The gene serum that is called a vaccine, as scientists and specialists have very well demonstrated and as its producers themselves admit, does not guarantee immunity; it does not rule out serious short-term and long-term side effects; it is not effective against certain variants of Covid; it does not eliminate the need for masks and social distancing; in the majority of cases the number of positive tests increases, and so media terrorism and the tightening of containment measures also increases. Proposed as a panacea, the so-called “vaccine” has turned out only to be the source of enormous, scandalous profits for Big Pharma and, at the same time, serves as a pretext to impose health passports and other systems for controlling the masses and limiting natural liberties. 

But alongside this obvious uselessness of the “vaccine” – a uselessness that any doctor not subservient to the system would have considered from the beginning, since the Corona viruses are susceptible to mutation – we cannot fail to see how instrumental it is, precisely in its “mystical” value, to the collective acceptance of human sacrifice as normal and indeed necessary: ​​the most innocent and defenseless creature, the baby in the womb in the third month of gestation, is sacrificed and dismembered in order to extract tissue from his still palpitating body with which to produce a non-cure, a non-vaccine, which not only does not heal from the virus, but in all likelihood causes a greater percentage of death than Covid itself, especially in the elderly or those who are sick.

But who are the mothers who, denying their very nature, agree to kill their own child? The majority of them are women in their first pregnancy, unaware of the horror they are about to commit and the remorse that will accompany them forever. Here are the first-born to be consecrated to Satan: the children of unfortunate mothers and spoiled girls, who discover what it means to be mothers precisely in not wanting to be so, instead perverting their femininity by reducing it to a bargaining chip or an instrument of ephemeral enjoyment, in the name of rights which they claim for themselves but which they permit themselves to deny to the creatures they carry in their womb. The non serviam repeats itself inexorably every time the obedience of the fiat is refused and the will of the Almighty is rebelled against.

In abortion, Satan achieves the greatest injury to God: he offends Him as Creator, making the mother the murderer of her own child; he offends Him as Lord, usurping the right of life and death over innocent creatures and claiming the right to violate the Fifth Commandment with impunity; he offends Him as Redeemer, nullifying the fruits of Christ’s Passion for creatures killed without the grace of Baptism; he offends Him as Father, while also vilifying the Sacred Maternity of the Most Holy Virgin.

Great confusion reigns in this painful phase of the history of the Church: the inaction or abuse of the authority of the Hierarchy, along with the betrayal of so many false pastors and mercenaries, does not help to dispel the confusion of the faithful, and indeed the Shepherds even feed the confusion with partial, discordant and contradictory directions. In this too we can realize the gravity of the situation, and how much the defection of the Pastors is a necessary premise for the establishment of the kingdom of the Antichrist. If the Pope and the Bishops had a minimum of fear of God, they would not try to justify with unworthy sophistry a vaccine that in order to be produced requires stem cells obtained from voluntarily aborted fetuses. The pretium sanguinis would be enough to make them not even take it into consideration, but perhaps among the beneficiaries of that pretium there are also Prelates who care more about the hypocritical praise of the enemies of Christ than the heroic witness of the Faith.

The issue of the presence of aborted tissue in vaccines had been discredited decades ago as simply ranting by conspiracy theorists and fundamentalists: but today it is candidly admitted that the profits of pharmaceutical houses (and others) legitimizes the killing of the innocents. […] And while it is planned to vaccinate the entire human race by inoculating them with the infernal sacrament, there are Catholic intellectuals who are considered to be “conservatives” who, in order not to lose the side-seat that has been granted to them with condescension by those who are masters of the world, have reached the point of making themselves champions of science just at the moment that science has transformed itself into witchcraft. They act no differently when, in the face of the Conciliar Revolution, they seek to guarantee themselves a place of visibility by attacking Catholic traditionalists more than modernist heretics. Their contribution to the cause ends up by being counter-productive, while the workers of iniquity enjoy the spectacle of seeing the already weak and quarrelsome confederation of those who are good divided into factions.

It should be honestly recognized that many Catholics suffer from an incomprehensible sense of inferiority, not only when social and political issues are at stake that can make them appear reactionary and see them hastily dismissed as “fascists,” but also scientific and ethical issues, as in the case of the pandemic emergency, which would dismiss them as “fundamentalists.” Yet it should be precisely science, as regulated by certain, measurable and replicable laws, that provides the best arguments to those who recognize in the true God the Creator of all things, visibilium omnium et invisibilium. This sense of inferiority places these Catholics a step below their interlocutor, forcing them not so much to defend their theses with solid and incontrovertible arguments, as to confirm, even though with a thousand embellishments, the prejudice that weighs on them. One cannot otherwise understand this desire to de-legitimize as “conspiracy theorists” those who unmask a fraud of epochal proportions, this desire to stand out through an alleged moderation and distancing from extremes; forgetting that if virtue is rightly considered as the mean between two opposing vices, it is not morally permissible to choose an intermediate path between good and evil dictated more by fearfulness and opportunism than by courage and conviction.

For these reasons, and because of the profound bewilderment of the Lord’s Flock, I can only encourage the publication of the interventions of His Excellency Bishop Athanasius Schneider, Don Curzio Nitoglia, Dom Giulio Meattini, Massimo Viglione, John-Henry Westen, Giovanni Turco, Gianfranco Amato, Clara Ferranti, Matteo D’Amico, Paolo Gulisano, Wanda Massa, Pilar Calva Mercado, Cristiano Lugli, Daniele Trabucco, Silvana De Mari, Nicodemus, Antonio Bianco, Alfredo De Matteo, and Marilena Maioli. Each of them according to their proper competence has the merit of sharing reflections, data, deeds and misdeeds with regard to the Covid narrative, the so-called vaccines and the legal implications of their feared imposition. The Confederation of Triarii has the opportunity to acquire great merits before God for this initiative in the service of truth and the common good.

I sincerely hope that this volume will help open the eyes of many people who today find themselves groping in the darkness of misinformation or are victims of the lies spread by the mainstream media. May Mary Most Holy, Sedes Sapientiae, be their guide: may She be the one to cure their blindness to the Truth and their deafness to the Good.

+ Carlo Maria Viganò, Archbishop

May 18, 2021
S.cti Venantii Martyris
Feria III post Ascensionem

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