Veni, o Sapientia

Video message
for Holy Christmas
Veni, o Sapientia,
Quæ hic disponis omnia;
Veni, viam prudentiæ
Ut doceas et gloriæ.
Come, o Wisdom, who orders earthly events; come to teach the way of prudence and of glory. These words are taken from a very ancient hymn for Advent which dates to the eighth century. In them the Christian soul invokes the coming of Our Lord Jesus Christ, the Wisdom of the Father, so that he may show us how to pass through this valley of tears unharmed – the via prudentiæ – and attain eternal beatitude in heaven – la via gloriæ.
I address all of you, dear brothers and sisters, who during these twenty-one months of medical madness have courageously resisted the blackmails of a civil authority everywhere enslaved to globalist power, in the betrayal of the natural law and of God, and in the violation of the laws of Nations. A planetary coup d’etat that seeks to make possible the Great Reset which will be used to establish the hateful tyranny of the New World Order.
I address first of all you who are mothers and fathers of families, who in this hour of resurgence of the absurd repressions of fundamental liberties find yourselves having to pay for your decision not to subject yourselves to the so-called vaccination with the segregation and discrimination of you and your children. Their fragile psycho-physical equilibrium has already been crudely compromised by months of distance-learning, the imposition of masks, and hammering from their teachers. The authorization of the gene serum for children, which today is presented as an indispensable and safe method for containing a virus that does not represent even a minimal threat to them and which instead puts their immune system and their health at irreversible risk, is the latest wicked decision made by people who are corrupt in soul and misguided in mind, for whom the innocent life of a child can be sacrificed on the altar of the health Moloch. Be intrepid defenders of your little ones, for whom you are responsible before God both for their physical health and for the salvation of their souls. Place them under the protective mantle of the Most Holy Virgin, consecrating them to the One who along with Saint Joseph succeeded in stealing away from the fury of Herod “the threatened life of the little baby Jesus,” fleeing to Egypt. Do not forget, dear parents, that the Lord looks at children with a special love, and he will not fail to assure them and you His Holy protection.
To you employees and workers, who have been suspended from work and deprived of pay because you did not want to yield to vaccine blackmail; to you artisans and shopkeepers, restaurant operators and small business owners, on whom the State has imposed unjustified closures that have served no purpose other than to impoverish you; to you military and law enforcement personnel who have been forced to choose between hierarchical obedience and your oath of fidelity to the Constitution; to you doctors and paramedics, expelled from hospitals, clinics, and nursing homes for not allowing yourself to be inoculated with the gene serum – to all of you I say: resist! Those who would like to force you by means of extortion to put your health at risk fear your determination and know that it can be a comfort and an example for your colleagues and friends. Resist because you have the sacrosanct right to refuse a health treatment that has demonstrated itself to be ineffective and harmful, which constitutes gene therapy and which is not aimed at guaranteeing you health and protection but rather intends to make you chronically ill or to exterminate you. Resist because it is not by yielding to blackmail that you will reconquer the freedoms that have been stolen from you. Resist because as children of God you know that you have the Lord of Time and History on your side, and not an acolyte of the corrupt in the service of the Evil One.
To you, the elderly and sick, forced to remain inside retirement homes or hospital wards; to you who have been segregated from your families and your loved ones, treated as outcasts by doctors and nurses, I say: do not allow yourselves to be disheartened by your loneliness; do not fall into despair and desperation! You have the possibility of putting your sufferings to good use, offering them to the Lord in union with His suffering on the Cross for the remission of your sins, in reparation for offenses against God, and in suffrage for the souls in Purgatory. Pray! Pray to the Most Holy Virgin, asking her to help you and protect you. Recite the Holy Rosary, asking the Blessed Mother to save our beloved Italy and the whole world from this infernal scourge. Pray to the Saints, asking them to be your friends and to be near you in the hours of silence and abandonment. Pray to the Angels, asking them to protect others who are sick, so that they can receive the Sacraments and have the grace of going to Confession and having a holy death, with the comfort of the presence of a priest.
Offer your sufferings, your anguish, and your tears to Our Lord, and in return He will give you the gift of His peace and of holy abandonment to His will. And do not neglect to keep yourself in the grace of God, because you are not given to know either the day or the hour.
To all of you, ready to fight the good fight for the Truth and for the end of this dystopian nightmare; to you who face derision and insults from those who consider you socially dangerous only because you do not surrender yourselves to mass experimentation, I say: Courage, do not give in now! This criminal farce, made up of lies and deceptions, will not last long, because it is only the Truth that makes us free. Your battle for the Truth, if waged for the glory of God, will defeat the darkness of fraud, will unveil the evil intentions of the elite, and will dispel those who are corrupt and traitors. And do not allow yourselves to be seduced by those who, in the imminence of the collapse of this castle of criminal falsehoods, will try to convince you that is useless to struggle, useless to fight. They are telling you that you are just a few thousand people, that you represent a minority, they they will come to “track you down” door to door, that you are deserters. Yet, it is enough to look at the people in line outside of pharmacies, or the job vacancies in businesses, schools, public offices and hospitals in order to understand that you are, that we are, many more than they would like us to believe. And even if we were few, our strength does not lie in numbers but in having made the right choice and in wanting to defend it courageously.
When this crime is denounced and condemned, History will thank you and only you for your coherence and your fidelity to the Good. It will not thank those who have segregated you and discriminated against you, calling you infectors. It will not thank those who have blackmailed you and deprived you of work and of legitimate pay. It will not thank those who have deceived you, calling an experimental serum “safe” that is in fact ineffective, dangerous and even lethal. It will not thank those who have taken advantage of the faith placed in them by simple people, who will find themselves betrayed and stricken with health problems. May you know how to resist, with your gaze turned toward God, whom we call “Our Father” precisely because he loves us and protects us as a loving Father and never abandons us.
And if these trials seem painful and unsustainable to you, think of how they represent an anticipation of that infernal world of the New World Order, from which Jesus Christ and every sign of the Catholic faith must be banished. Return to God! Understand that peace, concord, and prosperity are not obtained by breaking God’s Commandments, nor by blaspheming His Name, legitimizing sin, and celebrating vice. True peace, which is the stability of order and the mirror of Divine Justice, is obtained only where Christ the King reigns, where the laws are conformed to the Good, and where every discipline and art is aimed at the greater glory of God.
Dear brothers and sisters, I invite all of you, I exhort all of you to celebrate this Holy Christmas in its true spiritual dimension. Let the Infant King be born in your heart, beginning with a good Confession and receiving Holy Communion with devotion. Think of your soul, and the Lord will take care of the rest. Turn your thoughts to the Holy Family, turned away from the inn and forced to find shelter in a cave. May their blessed poverty and their apparent segregation be a consolation for all of you. In the midst of the social distancing and ostracization that has been imposed on those who are the weakest and the most in need, the magnificence of God does not fail to shine forth powerfully, with the choirs of Angels above the manger, the simple gifts of the shepherds, and the adoration of the Magi. Let us all place ourselves in a corner of that cave, contemplating the infinite Love that moved the Second Person of the Most Holy Trinity to become Incarnate, being born amid sufferings and being prepared even from the cradle for His Redemptive Sacrifice.
I extend to all of you my most sincere wishes for a Holy Christmas. A Christmas that will be truly holy, if you know how to celebrate it by remaining close to the Infant Jesus. A Christmas that will not be spent in solitude and anguish, but in the blessed company of the Holy Family and in the joy of the Birth of the Savior of the world. With all my heart I bless you.
+ Carlo Maria Viganò, Archbishop
December 22, 2021
Dominica IV Adventus