The technocratic dystopia

The technocratic dystopia
Are the novels of Huxley and Orwell an unheeded warning
or instead an example of predictive programming?
When we speak of “dystopia,” we mean the opposite of a utopia, that is, the description of an imaginary reality with respect to time or space – a non-place – that unlike utopia, which is considered desirable and positive, is instead perceived as undesirable and frightening. Two of the best-known dystopian novels, Aldous Huxley’s Brave New World (1932) and George Orwell’s 1984 (1949), represent precisely the example of two tyrannical and anti-human models of society that, if they found full realization, would be considered a kind of hell on earth. In the face of this prospect, taken for granted to be unrealizable, the function of the dystopian novel should be to create a warning for those who read it, so that the threat remains confined to the realm of the imaginary.
For the sake of completeness, we cannot disregard another lesser-known essay by Huxley, Brave New World Revisited (1958), translated in Italy as Ritorno al mondo nuovo (1961) (1), in which the author addresses the issue of world overpopulation, noting that increased life prospects for people with genetic diseases and advances in medicine end up increasing this problem. Huxley describes the centralization of economic power in multinational corporations, the problems of social organization and labor associated with technological development, and the use of propaganda and marketing techniques in the political sphere; he also does not neglect the world of synthetic drugs, psychotropic drugs, and LSD (similar to soma in the novel)(2), which he considers to be tools that an overt or covert dictatorship could use as a method of political control, along with the psychological manipulation of subliminal persuasion and hypnosis.
Many are persuaded that Huxley and Orwell, with their novels, intended to warn humanity of the danger of dictatorship, and that their unheeded warnings should alarm us and – in the face of many elements of the two dystopias we see unfolding before our eyes – lead us to denounce the coup d’état of the globalist technocratic elite. Instead, with this paper I would like to argue the opposite thesis, namely, that the description of the Brave New World and Oceania society constitutes the anticipation by literary, and then cinematic, –means of a precise subversive project, conceived in circles in which Freemasonry and its esoteric and gnostic philosophies unite and coordinate the activity of cultural circles, academic institutions, theosophical sects, writers, intellectuals, filmmakers, and eugenicist scientists. It is not possible that Huxley and Orwell – both of whom belonged to Freemasonry, both of whom were at Oxford in relationship with the Freemason Herbert G. Wells (1866-1946), a member of the Golden Dawn, an advocate of a world government and a friend of the Satanist Aleister Crowley – did not share the cultural and ideological setting of that milieu in which Aldous’s grandfather, Thomas Henry Huxley (1825-1895) was an active proponent of Darwinian evolutionary theory and among the founders of the paramasonic Round Table organization (3), as well as a member – at only 26 years of age – of the Royal Society (4). Aldous’ brother Julian Huxley (1887-1975), who was George Orwell’s professor, was a genetic biologist, author of Evolution, The Modern Synthesis (1942), a member of the Eugenics Society (4), the first president of UNESCO and one of the three founders of WWF; was also connected to the Fabian Society and a friend of Margaret Sanger (1879-1966), the theorist of birth control and founder of the clinics – generously funded by the Rockefellers – that later evolved into Planned Parenthood, of which Sanger was president from 1952 to 1959.
It thus becomes clear that the milieu that Huxley assiduously frequented and by which Orwell was influenced is the crucible in which the subversive plan of a world government in the hands of a tyrannical elite was conceived, in which science becomes the instrument with which to shape reality: the technocratic elite takes the place of God, creating its own paradise and keeping the masses in ignorance, according to the dictates of Weishaupt’s Illuminati (6). A science that claims irrational assent: “Orthodoxy means not thinking, not needing to think. Orthodoxy and unconsciousness are one and the same,” Orwell wrote in 1984.
An example of perfect “orthodoxy” to the depositum scientiæ of the Masonic elite was first and foremost Modernism, which introduced doubt, which is proper to the sphere of the empirical sciences, into theological speculation after the Masonic Enlightenment had sanctioned the divorce between science and faith in the name of rationalist thought. The “goddess of Reason” enthroned by the revolutionaries on the high altar of Notre Dame later entered Saint Peter’s Basilica with the Second Vatican Council, which ratified the supposed opposition between science and faith, ousting the Church from civil society and ceding to the new priests of technocratic religion the hierarchical superiority of one over the other. Bergoglio, promoting the gene serum and pandering to the psychopandemic narrative, has done still worse: he has deified science by making it religion, and at the same time he has humanized (de-divinized, I would say) Religion, subjecting it to the scrutiny of scientist rationalism.
War is peace; freedom is slavery; ignorance is strength. In the Orwellian novel, the orthodoxy of the citizens is tested daily by the Ministry of Truth through two elements of forced manipulation of reality: neolanguage and biplanning. Neolanguage – of which the party is the controller – involves the use of neologisms and the deletion of all words expressing traditional thought; it includes psycho-religion, which the psychopolice prosecute and punish in the nonperson who performs it (7).
The other tool of social control is provided by the adoption of bipensarianism, which forces the people of Oceania to believe any concept and its opposite to be true, depending on the will of the party, and instantly forgetting the change of opinion and the very act of having forgotten. On the basis of double thinking, the state modifies historical events of the past (through tampering with newspapers and books) and by adapting them to the changing present situation, no more or less than cancel culture theorizes today.
Malthusian thought and Darwinian theory are the application of Masonic principles and the ideological premise of transhumanism, a term coined by Julian Huxley. In the evolutionary delusion of these neo-Malthusians, man should evolve into a transhuman creature (the person integrated with the machine, but also the biological body separated from gender, as per transgenderism) and then become the posthuman man (the machine made into a person or the person transferred to “the cloud” and connected to artificial intelligence). Transhumanism considers the convergence of nanotechnology, biotechnology, computer science, and cognitive science to be decisive for the depersonalization of the individual: it is in this key that the attempt to create a kind of global neural network in which all individuals are forcibly connected to each other and controllable should be read.
The statements of Klaus Schwab and Yuval Noah Harari are perfectly consistent with the application of the doctrine of “becoming” professed by Freemasonry. So too is the project of creating a collective consciousness, a hive mind, erasing (indeed, atrophying) free will in the name of the “good of the community,” the Planet or any cause as absurd as it is imposed to be believed as a dogma promulgated by technocrats: global warming, the water emergency, zero CO2 impact. The rest, on the other hand, is already before our eyes: mass sterilization (in part induced by vaccines) and the consequent increase in the business of assisted reproduction and surrogacy (8); the legalization of adoption for same-sex couples and the new market for surrogate wombs; gender indoctrination especially of children and young people and the creation ex nihilo of a huge business for clinics practicing gender transition; the blaming of life itself as “unsustainable” in order to legitimize its suppression by euthanasia offered by special clinics and pharmaceutical companies with the complicity of the health industry. Even the perversions and vices that are made available to the populace to corrupt them and keep them subjugated are always – without exception – mediated by a parasitic corporation that reaps untold profits from them. It is the monetization of every aspect of human life, especially if it is functional to the System, that is being pursued through a process of privatization that, in parallel with the imposition of limitations on natural rights, makes them purchasable for a fee, including the ability to produce CO2 by paying emission rights to the European Union (9).
The political foundation that enables the establishment of a technocracy is a monstrum of socialist collectivism and liberal mercantilism, for the benefit of a private “central committee” that holds world economic control through two very powerful investment funds and has its own emissaries at the top of governments, public institutions, and international bodies, in addition to owning the major media outlets. Let us not forget that technocratic dictatorship was theorized by Saint-Simon (1760-1825) (10), an ideologue of socialist thought. The combination of Malthusian population control with Social Darwinism has produced national socialism, Marxist international socialism, and multinational international capitalism.
What Brave New World and 1984 describe corresponds to the same processes of predictive programming that we find in numerous movies having as their theme pandemics, dictatorial regimes after climate crises, and plots by pharmaceutical companies, high finance, and secret services – that is, to the use of the fictional literary genre as a tool for mass mental programming in order to make the population more willing to accept planned future events. The fate of Popé in Brave New World and Winston in 1984, not surprisingly, serve as a warning to those who would try to rebel, showing the failure of all opposition.
By small steps, initially, and then at an increasingly rapid pace: the reaction before a scientific dictatorship not preceded by its representation would lead us to rebel. We have seen and experienced this during the psychopandemic farce of the past three years: billions of people placed under seizure by the same oligarchy of technocrats who in recent decades – since the days of Huxley’s grandfather – have been enfeebling universities and scientific institutions with their Masonic brethren to spread Darwinian and Malthusian theories – that is, theories of population reduction and demographic control – to be pursued through wars, famines, pandemics, mass vaccinations, and economic crises. Anglican pastor Thomas Robert Malthus (1766-1834) was the first to theorize the spread of promiscuity, homosexuality, and adultery as methods of depopulation, along with the drastic reduction of sanitary and hygienic conditions in the poorer classes. It was he who first spoke of “useless eaters,” and it is significant that this expression – after its eugenic applications by the dictatorships of the twentieth century – is eloquently taken up in equal measure by Henry Kissinger, Jacques Attali, and Klaus Schwab, after Aurelio Peccei’s Club of Rome in 1968 had sounded the alarm to Western governments about the threat of the unsustainable exponential increase in world population, gaining cooperation and funding in the promotion of “reproductive health” – i.e., abortion, in the expression of Orwellian neo-language – and “disease prevention,” which consists of the mass vaccination plan – with related disease chronification – by the pharmaceutical industry.
The apparent condemnation of the dystopia narrated in Huxley’s and Orwell’s novels proposes a scenario presented as inevitable, which it would be useless to resist and which, on the contrary, it is better to accept by trying to identify its positive aspects, exactly as happened during the pandemic farce. What the elite expects from its victims – that is, from all of us – is unconditional surrender, based on deceptionand illusion. The continuous siege of the media, the ideological hammering of international organizations, the complicity of religious leaders, and the mercenary silence of accomplices is intended to create the perception of an inevitability of programmed destiny and bring about, in most people, a kind of fatalistic renunciation of rebellion, resistance, and combat. To reassure the obedient, the term resilience has recently been coined, by which the ability of the individual and society to “transform an adverse experience into an opportunity” is elevated to “civic virtue,” according to the hypocritical vocabulary of neolanguage.
Just as every Catholic knows and believes that he cannot change anything, by his own strength, of God’s inscrutable plans – which are always aimed at our material and spiritual good – and therefore relies on His Holy Providence; so too the elite demands that we regard its plans – human and infernal, aimed at evil and our physical and moral destruction – as impossible to control and avert, demanding our total resignation and helplessness. The dystopia of literary fiction should not lead us to believe that reality meekly goes along with the elite’s delusion. Indeed, we must be the first not to enter into globalist dystopia, just as we did previously with the blandishments of socialist or liberal utopia, which proved to be failures on a par with all human and anti-Christian ideologies.
In a collectivized world where individualities are obliterated in order to cancel them out in the mass consciousness imposed by the System, we must be champions of Christ, His courageous Knights, denouncing the global coup and opposing to it a model of society that is as far from utopia as it gets: the societas christiana that we saw was feasible and was in fact realized before the Revolution struck our Civilization to the heart. And even if we should individually succumb, we will still be victorious together with the One who first engaged this battle and indeed has already won it.
This time the first to fall for the Serpent’s deception will be the very synarchs of globalism, intoxicated with their belief that they can be sicut dii (Gen 3:5), like gods, because this infernal sham – as realistic and impressive as it is – changes nothing about reality, nor about the final destiny of the good and the wicked, since Christ has overcome Satan and the world.
+ Carlo Maria Viganò, Archbishop
April 30, 2023
Dominica III post Pascha
Commemoratio S. Catharinæ Senensis Virginis
(1) – The fixation on Malthusianism also recurs in Island (1962), in which the (strictly anti-Christian) social organization provides for contraception, artificial insemination, and euthanasia; boys are initiated into drug use and all forms of sexual deviation, from sodomy to promiscuity, without neglecting the nudity flaunted in clothing and a disturbing attention to the sexuality of minors that evidently alludes to a form of legitimization of pedophilia. Another novel – very revealing because it was written forty years earlier – is Crome Yellow (1921), translated into Italian as Giallo cromo (1932), in which Huxley anticipates themes of state birth control, sexualization, and drug use among the masses, along with a caste division of the population. “An impersonal generation will take the place of Nature’s hideous system” (Crome Yellow, ch. 5).
(2) – Wells introduced Huxley to Aleister Crowley (1875-1947), who initiated him into the Golden Dawn and who in 1929 made him experiment with psychedelic drugs. During those years, Huxley, along with Christopher Isherwood (1904-1986), Thomas Mann (1875-1955) and his daughter Elisabeth Mann-Borghese (1918-2002), laid the groundwork for what would become the LSD culture, as part of the Golden Dawn’s Isis cult. The launch of LSD as a tool for dissolving youth – a product of the Sandoz pharmaceutical company owned by the Israelite financiers the Warburgs – occurred through Aldous Huxley, University of Chicago Chancellor Robert Flutchins, and Allen Dulles (1893-1969), then head of the CIA, as part of a plan hatched by the CIA itself during the period between 1948 and 1962. Huxley described the effects of LSD in his two essays The Doors of Perception (1954) and Heaven and Hell (1956); those doors inspired the name of the rock band The Doors.
(3) – The Royal Institute of International Affairs (established in London in 1919) and the Council on Foreign Relations (founded in 1921 in New York) are two powerful think tanks of the Round Table.
(4) – The British Royal Society played a key role in the spread of scientism that would later lead to the “scientific dictatorship.” All of its founders and members were Freemasons, which could thus use a prestigious institution to lend credibility to a version of “science” based on the esoteric doctrine of the Lodges.
(5) – In 1989 the Eugenics Society changed its name to the Galton Institute. Since 2021 it has been called Adelphi Genetics Forum.
(6) – Johann Adam Weishaupt (1748-1830), Jesuit-educated, German philosopher, founder of the Order of the Illuminati, with the aim of establishing a “new order” leading to the abolition of governments, religions, private property, and marriage. He was initiated into Freemasonry in Munich in 1777; linked to the Golden Dawn, esotericism, and theosophism. Weishaupt’s thought influenced the Revolution, the Commune, Utopian Socialism, and Karl Marx.
(7) – Is it not neo-language to refer to the killing of a helpless child in the womb as “termination of pregnancy,” the imposition of contraception and abortion on Third World countries as “reproductive health,” the genital mutilation of minors as “gender transition,” the buying of children from poor women as “surrogacy,” pedophiles as “people attracted to minors,” and cities where citizens are no longer free to move beyond a certain distance as “smart cities”?
(8) – In addition to the increase of pathologies related to gestation and childbirth, to which the Tavistock Institute is no stranger. Cf. https://www.medicinenon.it/tavistock-listituto-del-controllo-delle-masse.
(9) – On April 20, 2023, the European Parliament (with the vote of a Left not represented in the member countries but totally subservient to the diktats of the World Economic Forum) approved the rule that applies carbon emission taxes under the ETS to domestic consumption as well: gasoline, diesel, LPG and natural gas for automotive and home heating purposes.
(10) – Cf. Claude-Henri de Rouvroy de Saint-Simon, Reorganization of the European Society, 1814.
(11) –