Statement of November 9, 2023

regarding the recent responses
of the Dicastery for the Doctrine of the Faith
to Msgr. José Negri, Bishop of Santo Amaro (Brazil)
Hæc est autem scriptura, quæ digesta est:
Mane, Thecel, Phares.
Dan 5:25
Just when the latest statement by Jorge Mario Bergoglio had not yet finished causing scandal among the faithful and causing division among the Shepherds, behold, a new one is added, no less damaging, that tears yet another wound in the tortured body of the Church.
The Dicastery recently published, with the date of 31 October 2023, its “Responses to some questions by His Excellency Monsignor José Negri, Bishop of Santo Amaro in Brazil, about the participation in the Sacrament of Baptism by transgender and homoaffective persons” (here). Beyond the hypocritical definition of “homoaffective people” – as if one could separate homosexual identity from the intrinsically sinful exercise of unnatural sexuality that defines it – this document represents a further departure from Catholic doctrine, not only for the questions it agrees to answer, not so much for the answers it formulates, but also and above all due to the effects that its interpretation in the media will have on the faithful – an interpretation that is significantly consistent with the so-called “inductive method” theorized by Bergoglio himself in another document on the study of Sacred Theology (here). According to this theory – condemned by Pius XII – it is necessary “to start from the different contexts and concrete situations in which people find themselves, allowing oneself to be seriously questioned by reality, to become a discerner of the signs of the times.” It is no coincidence that all over the media, as of yesterday [November 8], the headlines read, “The Vatican opens to trans and gays;” “Yes to divorced people as godparents;” “Trans people will be able to be baptized, a turning point for the Vatican.”
The document of the Dicastery chaired by Tucho Fernández – the author of Amoris Lætitia and Heal Me With Your Mouth; The Art of Kissing [sic] – is obviously not moved by pastoral zeal for the souls of those who live in a habitual and public state of mortal sin so that they repent and convert, but rather from the desire to normalize their behavior, eliminating sodomy from the list of sins that cry out for vengeance in the presence of God, or leaving its condemnation to the merely theoretical level while effectively admitting those who practice it not only to the Sacraments, but also to those functions – such as godfather at Baptism, Confirmation sponsor, or best man at a wedding – from which the Church has always excluded those who by the conduct of their personal lives publicly contradict the teaching of Our Lord. A function which, in the role of godfather, becomes particularly eminent. We may therefore exclude any possible excuse based on an alleged misunderstanding of Bergoglio’s words – also because the precedent of “Who am I to judge” which earned him the cover of the LGBTQ magazine The Advocate (here) has already proven disastrous in its effects. These effects were clearly intended, then reiterated with repeated declarations and interviews, and have now been confirmed by this latest Vatican document.
“Opening the doors a little more” is in fact Bergoglio’s strategy. Anyone who claims that these unprecedented declarations are the result of improvisation and that they have no repercussions on the ecclesial body is either mistaken or in bad faith. They started long ago – in this case as early as 7 December 2014 – and demonstrate methodical planning, malicious intent, and a stubborn desire to harm souls, discredit the Church, and offend the Majesty of God.
The attack on the traditional family and the open support of unions and sinful behavior of cohabitators, adulterers, homosexuals and transgendered people began with the [2015] Synod on the Family, the dress rehearsal for the current Synod on Synodality. It was in conjunction with that meeting that Bergoglio chose to grant an interview to the Argentine newspaper La Nacion, anticipating the moves that we see him making today, moves that none of the Dubia submitted by the cardinals managed to avert:
In the case of divorced people who have remarried, we posed the question, what do we do with them? What door can we open for them? This was a pastoral concern: will we allow them to go to Communion? Communion alone is no solution. The solution is integration. They have not been excommunicated, true. But they cannot be godparents at baptism, they cannot read the readings at Mass, they cannot give Communion, they cannot be catechists. There are about seven things they cannot do. I have the list over there. Come on! If I tell all this, it seems that they are excommunicated de facto!
So let us open the doors a bit more. Why can’t they be godparents? “No, no, no, what testimony will they be giving their godchild?” The testimony of a man and a woman saying, “My dear, I made a mistake, I was wrong here, but I believe our Lord loves me, I want to follow God, sin will not have victory over me, I want to move on.” Any more Christian witness than that? And what if one of the political crooks among us, corrupt people, are chosen to be somebody’s godfather? If they are properly wedded by the church, would we accept them? What kind of testimony will they give to their godchild? A testimony of corruption? We must change things a little; our standards need to change. (here)
These words, as annoying in form as they are deceiving in substance, contain Bergoglio’s entire subversive project, which finds timely confirmation in the latest document of the Vatican Dicastery, which has replaced both in name and in functions the already-compromised Congregation for the Doctrine of the Faith, at the head of which an individual has been appointed who makes no secret of his total and absolute agreement with the views with the Argentine Jesuit, especially on matters of sodomy.
The speciousness of the arguments betrays the absolute irreconcilability between what the Catholic Magisterium teaches and what Bergoglio wants to achieve, in fulfillment of the orders given to him by those who had him elected. Let us not forget that among the results that were intended to be obtained by the removal of Benedict XVI and the promotion of a “springtime of the Church,” John Podesta’s emails listed a modification of Catholic moral teaching by introducing “gender equality,” a hypocritical euphemism behind which the Agenda 2030 hides the normalization of transsexualism, sodomy, and pedophilia, as well as the destruction through divorce of the natural family composed of a man and a woman.
This would be enough, in the eyes of any honest and upright person, to carefully avoid any slightest variation – even if only a disciplinary variation – on these issues, which ought to see the Catholic Church and the globalist world holding diametrically opposed and irreconcilable positions. Therefore, if a “pope” – a man who is an expression of the most exasperated progressivism and appreciated as such by all the historical enemies of the Church – decides to open Overton’s window on the condemnation of sodomy, concubinage, and transsexualism, clearly he does so not only after due consideration, but with the sole purpose of openly contradicting the Magisterium and subverting the mission of the Hierarchy in its essence.
This “opening the doors a little more” – because, according to Bergoglio, “the solution is integration” – is a declaration of intent made nine years ago that today finds punctual realization, while the Sacred College and the Bishops stand by in dumbfounded silence; indeed, they give their substantial approval. Because it is easy to please the powerful of the earth, those who manipulate governments and even the leaders of the Hierarchy in order to achieve their criminal purposes. It is much less easy to confront with Faith and courage the bonum certamen that the Church has always fought against the Prince of this world, in order to proudly affirm the Gospel of Christ and face martyrdom in order to defend what Christ ordered his Pastors to faithfully teach.
A serious analysis of the document of the Dicastery for the Doctrine of the Faith cannot and must not be limited to the refutation of the individual heretical propositions it contains, because this would end up supporting the devious method with which they were conceived and drafted. On the contrary, it is necessary to consider both the immediate effects as well as the long-term ones, taking into account how the Responses are situated in relation to other previous declarations, and above all to the mens which orients them in a single, very clear, and unequivocal direction. Bergoglio’s statement in his interview with Elisabetta Piquè, “the solution is integration,” reveals this malicious and subversive mind, which makes its author not only gravely responsible before God for the offenses and sins that he will cause and for the eternal damnation to which it will condemn those who commit them, but which also shows the unworthiness and hostility of the Argentine Jesuit to holding the function of Roman Pontiff and universal Shepherd of the Flock of the Lord.
Inimicus Ecclesiæ, I said in my address on Bergoglio’s defective consent (here). An enemy who acts with coherence and premeditation in carrying out the exact opposite of what it expected from the Vicar of Christ and the Successor of the Prince of the Apostles.
We must confront a painful and terrible reality: Bergoglio presents himself as hostile to Catholics faithful to the Magisterium – which he derides, condemns and marginalizes – and as an accomplice to those who openly contradict what the Church has immutably taught for two thousand years. Not only that: he wants to provoke good Catholics – and with them the few Bishops and priests who still profess the Faith in its integrity – to separate from the sect that has infiltrated and invaded the Church, provoking them with brazen arrogance so that they feel scandalized and offended. The inclusiveness that inspires Bergoglio in his demolition work is the exact opposite of what Our Lord taught us, who in the parable of the wedding banquet (Mt 22:1-14) leaves no doubt about the need to wear the garment of Grace in order to be admitted. In that passage from the Gospel, the master who finds a guest without proper dress has him tied up by his servants and thrown into the outer darkness, where there is weeping and gnashing of teeth (Mt 22:13). The words of the Savior, “You are my friends if you do what I command you,” (Jn 15:14) and “Not the one who says, “Lord, Lord,” but rather the one who does the will of my Father will enter the Kingdom of Heaven,” (Mt 7:21) do not leave room for misunderstandings, and the fact that a “pope” dares to contradict them is of such unprecedented gravity that it cannot be tolerated in any way, both for the good of souls and because of the offense against God. Today we find ourselves facing the paradox of a self-proclaimed “master” of the Church – because Bergoglio acts as such – who drives those who are wearing the wedding garment away from the banquet and admits everyone else indiscriminately. But if Bergoglio’s “church” does not want Catholics to belong to it, how can it call itself “Catholic”? If the person who exercises his authority as “pope” does so in opposition to the authority of Christ, how can he be considered Christ’s vicar?
In the National Gallery in London there is a splendid painting by Rembrandt, created in 1636, Belshazzar’s Feast, which depicts the story of the prophet Daniel (Dan 5). The Babylonian king Belshazzar, under full siege from the king of Persia, Cyrus the Great, organized a sumptuous banquet at court, using for libations the sacred vessels of the Temple that had been looted by Nebuchadnezzar. On that occasion, in the presence of all the guests and dignitaries, a mysterious hand appeared that wrote some incomprehensible words on the wall of the royal hall, in front of the candlestick (Dan 5:5). It was Daniel who interpreted those dark words: Mene, Tekel, Peres (Dan 5:25):
Mene: God has numbered your kingdom and put an end to it;
Tekel: You have been weighed on the scales and found wanting;
Peres: Your kingdom has been divided and given to the Medes and Persians (Dan 5: 26-28).
Faced as we are with contemplating the passio Ecclesiæ at the hands of Bergoglio and his accomplices, we can hope and pray that those who did not believe in the face of the silent action of the Good will now be converted by the disturbing evidence of what opposes it. Before it is too late.
+ Carlo Maria Viganò, Archbishop
November 9, 2023
In Dedicatione Basilicæ Ss. Salvatoris
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