Preface to “J’accuse”
Testo corretto della Prefazione
Due to an editing error, the final draft delivered to Amazon for publication contained an incorrect text of the Preface written by Dr. Jerome R. Corsi. Correction on upcoming printings is already underway, but for those who received the book with the incorrect text, we reproduce the corrected version below.
We at Post Hill Press are honored to publish Archbishop Carlo Maria Viganò’s book J’Accuse: Shedding Light on My “Excommunication”.
With this title, His Excellency alludes to the short essay: J’accuse le Concile! that Monsignor Marcel Lefebvre, founder of the Society of Saint Pius X, wrote in 1976. The French Archbishop wrote: “It is essential to demystify this Council that those responsible for Vatican II wanted to be pastoral, due to their instinctive horror for dogmas, and in order to facilitate the official introduction of liberal ideas into a Church document. But once the operation was completed, they dogmatized the Council, comparing it to the Council of Nicaea and claiming that it was equal to the others, if not superior.”
On the day he was summoned to the Vatican to defend himself from excommunication charges, Archbishop Viganò made public his “J’Accuse” proclamation, accusing Jorge Mario Bergoglio “of heresy and schism” and asking that Bergoglio “be judged as a heretic and schismatic and removed from the Throne which he has unworthily occupied for over eleven years.” The parallel to Archbishop Lefebvre is clear: in this book, Archbishop Viganò makes clear he is only guilty of defending two millennia of Catholic theology and liturgy against the progressive apostasy of Vatican II and Pope Francis. In this book, His Excellency clarifies that his defense is “not a personal one, but rather a defense of the Holy Church of Christ, in which I have been constituted a Bishop and Successor of the Apostles.” In being true to his conscience and faithful to the Apostolic mandate, Archbishop Viganò proclaims, “I cannot and will not accept to witness the systematic demolition of Holy Church and the damnation of so many souls without trying by every means to oppose all this. Nor can I consider a cowardly silence for the sake of a quiet life preferable to giving witness to the Gospel and defending Catholic Truth.”
Archbishop Viganò elaborates we are in a spiritual battle with the neo-Marxist progressive “woke” left – a battle in which Bergoglio has sided with the forces of darkness. “Globalism supports LGBTQ+ ideology: Bergoglio authorizes the blessing of same-sex couples and imposes on the faithful the acceptance of homosexuality, while covering up the scandals of his protégés and promoting them to the highest positions of responsibility,” he writes. “Wherever governments at the service of the World Economic Forum have introduced or extended abortion, promoted vice, legitimized homosexual unions or gender transition, encouraged euthanasia, and tolerated the persecution of Christians, not a word has been spent in defense of Faith or Morals that are threatened, or in support of the civil battles of so many Catholics who have been abandoned by the Vatican and the Bishops.” He concludes: “The Catholic Church has been slowly but surely taken over, and Bergoglio has been given the task of making it a philanthropic agency, the church of humanity, of inclusion, of the environment, at the service of the New World Order. But this is not the Catholic Church: it is her counterfeit.”
Archbishop Viganò objects correctly to the fundamental premise of Vatican II, namely, that the Catholic Church needed progressive reform to keep up with changing times. He asked which “church” was he presumed to be in a state of schism “if the one that claims to be Catholic differs from the true Church precisely in its preaching of what she condemned and in condemnation of what She preached?” He explained:
The adepts of the “conciliar church” will reply that this is due to the evolution of the ecclesial body in a “necessary renewal;” while the Catholic Magisterium teaches us that Truth is immutable and that the doctrine of evolution of dogmas is heretical. Two churches, certainly: each with its own doctrines and liturgies and saints; but whereas for the Catholic believer the Church is One, Holy, Catholic, and Apostolic, for Bergoglio the Church is conciliar, ecumenical, synodal, inclusive, immigrationist, eco-sustainable, and gay-friendly.
He concludes that “the only theological possible answer is that the Conciliar Hierarchy, which proclaims itself Catholic but embraces a faith different from that constantly taught for two thousand years by the Catholic Church, belongs to another entity and therefore does not represent the true Church of Christ.” Archbishop Viganò characterizes the church Bergoglio has created as “the deep church, that is, its counterfeit, the counter-church, the anti-church of the Antichrist.” Drawing from Vatican II, this deep church’s “purpose is to make people accept this or that change, but the change itself, that is, the idea of a permanent revolution according to which the teaching of the Church must change and even contradict itself according to different eras and cultural contexts.”
In a brilliant final essay on “The Great Reset,” Archbishop Viganò calls out the satanic purposes of the One World Government global elite – an elite that “has as its aim the destruction and enslavement of the Christian West to the Antichrist, after having taken it away from Christ; has as its purpose the eternal damnation of souls instead of their eternal salvation; and uses as a means the usurpation of temporal and spiritual power, so that the masses have a perverse authority capable of using force to command them and make them obey.”
In J’Accuse, Archbishop Viganò has not only shed light on his excommunication but also bestowed upon us a profound, theological text that probes the nature of evil. Penetrating the heart of darkness that is the New World Order “woke” insanity, His Excellency has allowed us to see in his excommunication the depths those possessed by evil intent will go to silence the truth. Every page of this book demands careful rereading and thoughtful consideration. In J’Accuse, the Archbishop has left us an enduring statement that will stand tall alongside the most impactful theological statements ever made, supporting the idea that only God can bestow life and only through Christ can we find redemption. In the end, God always wins. God did not create this experience of life on Earth to have Satan come out as the victor. But we cannot presume that we are on the side of God unless we truly understand the evil inherent in the neo-Marxist that today has spread its dark shadow across us.
When Christ told Saint Peter that the gates of hell would not prevail against the apostolic Church (Mt. 16: 18), he had men like Archbishop Carlo Maria Viganò in mind. The Prophet Jeremiah writes: “The Lord is with me, like a mighty warrior: my persecutors will stumble, they will not prevail. In their failure they will be put to utter shame, to lasting, unforgettable confusion.” (Jer 20:11). In this spirit, Jorge Mario Bergoglio should be greatly ashamed. The everlasting confusion prophesized in Jeremiah falls not upon Archbishop Viganò but upon the conciliar, synodal monstrosity Bergoglio has brought forth in his apostasy.
Ironically, if Bergoglio’s hatred of the true Catholic Church were not so great, he would never have excommunicated Archbishop Viganò. With the words written here, God always works miracles in human affairs, as evidenced by Archbishop Viganò gifting us this magnificent book illuminated by the wisdom of the Holy Spirit only because Bergoglio excommunicated him. Archbishop Viganò has already passed through the fires of hell, only to emerge triumphant.
Had Bergoglio’s heart not been hardened against Archbishop Viganò by Satan’s hatred of God, we would never have had the opportunity to benefit from His Excellency’s depth of thought expressed in these pages. Those reading this book can now receive the spiritual guidance needed to advance confidently to victory in these dark days. Those scorning the message of this book will do so at the risk of their eternal peril. The reality is that Archbishop Viganò has gifted us with a book that will illuminate the true Catholic Church forever.