Quid feci tibi?
Israël es tu Rex, Davidis et inclyta proles. You are the King of Israel, the noble lineage of David. In these solemn words of the ancient hymn to Christ the King, we find the Holy Church identified with Israel, the
In cinere et cilicio
Il n’y a qu’une seule chose qui pousse le Seigneur à la compassion devant la multitude de nos péchés : la pénitence. Cette pénitence sincère que confirme dans l’attitude extérieure le vrai repentir pour les fautes commise, l’intention de ne plus
In cinere et cilicio
There is only one thing that moves the Lord to compassion before the multitude of our sins: penance. A penance that is sincere, that exteriorly confirms true repentance for sins committed, the intention not to do them again, the will